Wednesday, January 25, 2017

This Movement is a Marathon---Not a Moment!

This election and march from this past weekend helped energize many. Let's keep this momentum moving. Remember this movement is a marathon!

You'll need:
-to train....your brain. Read up on issues that matter to you--books, articles, published reports, and personal stories that indicate the personal and collective impact of your cause. Read diverse authors and perspectives. Sign up for newsletters.

-to cross-train. You'll be strongest in your focus area if you exercise other muscles to help retain your overall balance. Don't narrow EVERYTHING to just one issue. Understand the intersection of systems of oppression. It will help round out your understandings and strengthen your resolve.

-to get a good night's rest. Make sure you're sleeping! Regularly! No one performs their best when cranky and tired!  And no one wants to march on front lines with a whiner who is tired instead of someone energizing the people around them!

-to find a crew to support you. Find your people. Go volunteer. Show up at council and community meetings, set up sign-making and postcard and letter-writing parties....get organized!

-to find your pacer. Get a buddy to volunteer with! Help each other out when you're feeling the drain, but know when they need to drop back and that's okay too.

-to walk if you need to. You can't sprint the whole thing or you'll likely burn out early. Maybe you need to step to the side and let people pass you. You'll catch up eventually! We're all heading in the same direction. :) (Well, most of us in the movement.)

-to take frequent breaks for the bathroom before you think you'll need them.
Give your body little breaks! Even 5-10 mins alone can help you clear your mind and help rebalance your energy. Being antsy and knowing a portapotty is coming up soon helps relieve built up tension. Don't say, "one more mile before I stop" because you know that 9/10 of that next mile will be spent focused on that portapotty! Go early! Go often!

-to find healthy ways to refuel and stay hydrated. I love liquid relaxation, but the i influence of too many adult bevs and carbs can make me feel sluggish. You need to have the best energy for this marathon, so feed your body well!

--to realize that, if you get injured, resting your mind and body will give you the time to heal if you need. Step away for a bit and come back when you're ready. We'll be waiting.

Here are some other tips!

Feel free to share others!

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