Monday, March 24, 2014


Wow, so if I thought I had a lot to blog about last week, I have even more now. So, I will go through all the stages of grief for each of these situations via the following list and correlating images.

  1. Two of my closest friends are having a friends-break-up. BOO.


  3. Being harassed at work and finally talking to HR about it. And hearing half of it is completely unacceptable and the other half is just "who he is as a person" and trying to decide (1) if I want to put up with it or (2) how best to deal with it. HUHWHAT?

  4. Domestic living woes. WEEEEE!!!!! Love and heartache! And love and support!

  5. Deciding-my-future-related-to-my-career woes. AGAIN?!?!

  6. Being fatter than when I started training and dieting. WEEEEEEEE.

  7. Stirring the pot some more and Googling the name of a person who  sexually assaulted me years ago to learn that he saved a woman's life 4 months ago. WHAT THE FUCK, YOU SACK OF SHIT.

  8. Trying to limit my feelings for said man and said boss to just those men and not all men, ie, le boyfriend. But being a female is hard and I want to rage at men sometimes because they just don't understand what it is like to walk through this world as a woman.

  9. Registering for the race in Seattle on my birthday but the race selling out before I can complete my boyfriend's registration.

  10. Finding out my cousin (56-years-old) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer on Friday and was given a very brief time to live.

  11. Knowing that doctors always lie to patients about how long they have to live.

  12. Thinking about my cousin's mother (my aunt) who buried her father 20 years ago (cancer), husband 15 years ago (cancer), brother 10 years ago (cancer), mother last year (old age), and now will bury her only son sometime soon (cancer).

  13. Thinking about my cousin's 13-year-old daughter, wife with Crohn's, his daughter just a bit younger than me who is raising a newborn, his son (WHO I JUST FOUND OUT IS NOT MY BLOOD RELATIVE BUT WHO I THOUGHT WAS MY 2ND COUSIN MY WHO LIFE?!?!), and everything that they'll be going through soon because it is too familiar and I'm tired of people I know dying. SERENITY NOW.

  14. Realizing that planning for the future is somewhat stupid because we all die in the end and all we have is our experiences and hopefully some loved ones around us and this world seems pretty fucked to play such. a. cruel. game.

  15. Thinking about humanity and strength and weakness and humility and vulnerability and fuck.

  16. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

So here are these videos that are summing up ALL THE FEELS. Enjoy: 

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