Monday, March 31, 2014


A quick look at some of the wondrous work in robotics done by Festo.
Engineering Company Festo Is Creating Robots Based On Nature
German engineering firm Festo is creating a robot army. Sounds scary, right? But there’s no need to fear a “Skynet”-type apocalypse quite yet, because these robots want to do good by making laborious tasks easier in the factories of the future. And they’re using nature as their inspiration.
Festo summarizes the motivation behind their research on their website: “Gripping, moving, controlling and measuring – nature performs all of these tasks instinctively, easily and efficiently. What could be more logical than to examine these natural phenomena and learn from them?”
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That floor with the balls? Yeah--I came up with the idea of that when I was in 5th grade. I even have a drawing of it. I said that people would wear slidy slippers and then the floor would puff up and create a wave behind them and push them around. My idea was to help people who couldn't walk get around their homes, though I hadn't thought about why they could stand upright without having the muscle control to walk. DETAILS, PEOPLE. But basically, now there are 2 things that have been 'invented" that I came up with as a child. The first was a windshield that knows when it's raining and turns on the wipers. My father said it wasn't possible in our generation. Oh yeah? It's standard on most BMWs.


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