Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Two Months In

Well, it's been nearly two months since I moved to Seattle officially. I didn't expect it to take me this long to get around to writing a post about it. So, here's a few things that I do now and have felt/experienced:

(1) I compost things now, and have 3 different garbage/recycling cans. I bring my glass recycling into the office recycling cans because my building doesn't take glass. YES. I DO THAT NOW.

(2) I am attempting to grow things on my porch. Pray that my cats stop eating everything and puking it up all over so the plants won't die. 

(3) I am drinking green smoothies frequently. Like at least a few times per week. I'm trying macha ones now simply because I need caffeine. Not a huge fan of the hemp protein, so we'll see what else doesn't taste like garden weeds.


(4) I miss the simplicity of only having two program areas and +/-8 programs (there's 30+ programs here). And five directors. I have 10 or so that I actively work with.

(5) I have tried biking to/from work. I have yet to make it all the way home with my bike not being in someone's car. God these hills are ROUGH.

(6) I spend most days with my windows thrown open in my apartment. People call it cold when it's <65 degrees. I giggle.

(7) Too many socks and sandals. 

Ta-da! I want my feet to be warm AND free!

(7a) I am dating a man who wears exclusively sandals. I never thought this day would come. This week, I convinced him into Keens. I'm slowly progressing his feet into getting more used to being in shoes. This is a battle I will go to bat for.

(7b) I feel more free to dress strangely. And not care about it. One day, dresses. Next day, jeans and tees. Next day, funky. It's nice to feel free to express my lack of fashion understanding and get a little weird.

(8) I've had to restrain my face while people talk to me about being reiki practitioners. Or discuss crystals. Or anything else that makes me feel as queasy as if someone just asked me, "Have you heard about our good lord and savior Jesus Christ?"

(9) Passive-aggressive doesn't even BEGIN to explain how people function out here. I mean, It was implied I was "direct" because I pop into a person's office rather than email her. She sits two doors down from me. TWO DOORS.

(10) I eat mostly veggie when Chris is around, since he's veggie and prefers organic. I eat HELLA meat when he's not around. 

(11) I live in a 424-square-foot studio that costs $1100/month. They are raising this to $1295/month in two months. I really miss not being able to hear EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. From the cats constantly fighting to people peeing in the other room. Seriously. All the noises.

(Note: I wish my place was that nice.)

(12) I have a porch. I would love to read on it, but have only done so once. Why? Jobby job. Long hours. Lack of want to feed my brain more than I'm already doing already. I mean, how much more room is in there anyway?

(13) I'm a huge fan of Archer and Netflix. I wish I could binge watch stuff, but the layout of my place doesn't allow for more than a few episodes on my Kindle every night.

(14) I have to dress up WAY more frequently and schmooze than I did at my old job . I am learning to schmooze. I need to do the "fake it til you make it" deep breathing shit more while in SCHMOOZE mode, but whatev. I've already had one or two site visits, a few minor events, and a major event to practice. I'm learning.

(15) I still have a serious love affair with peanut butter. And peanut butter noodles. Don't hate! Celebrate! (That you don't have to eat them bc I'm miles away.)

(16) I am growing my love affair with coffee. There's no centralized coffee at my office. Everyone brings in coffee for their own departments and brews it that way. Which means everyone in RD walks one block to the Starbucks or Fuel rather than talking with their peers that they don't get along with about who's turn it is to brew coffee and how so-and-so hasn't brought coffee in X weeks. Or at least that's my assumption. Everyone has cliques and they pair up to go get coffee in said cliques. I don't have a table to sit at yet, so I get mine on my own.

5% of people in Seattle when they mention coffee.
The other 55% remaining are mocking him for drinking lattes and not pour-overs.
The remaining 40% can't afford coffee AND rent, so sacrifices had to be made.

(17) I work for a huge agency that is going through growing pains and lacks many of the best practices I'm used to. Or maybe I just don't know about them. This place is so big, it's taking a while to get around to learning everything I expected to know and do by now.

(18) I have been "warned" I may rub people the wrong way. I blankly stared at the person who said this (BTW, multiple people have said this to me). He then nervously said, "But it looks like that doesn't really bother you." I said, "Nope. It doesn't really. I mean, I'm not out to make enemies, but I have a lot of work to do." 

Some things change. Some never will. 

Next time I write it'll be more about Chicago vs. PNW/Seattle. For now, I want to thank every single person out there who has been supportive of me and my move. I am learning to love the things that make this place exactly what I wanted. I have beautiful skies every night. I wake up feeling excited about the work I'm doing. I'm excited to have the freedom that I have. I am working back toward my love of exercise (okay, inching....). I'm learning SO. FUCKING. MUCH. I'm growing. I'm pushing. I'm navigating the ick and discomfort of a new place. 

And I'm so grateful to have the support of my friends and family.

Thank you for all your kind words. They've helped me more than words can express. 


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